Friday, July 26, 2024

Port of Galilee - July 26, 2024

Fishing boats in the Port of Galilee
It was a beautiful morning, but very windy, so I decided to stay around the cottage and paddle down to Galilee. I stayed out of the wind and headed south down the east side of Great Island into Bluff Hill Cove and then into the Port of Galilee.

The Port of Galilee was created in 1935 when a harbor was dredged and a dock constructed at the mouth of Point Judith Pond. Connected to the ocean by the Breakaway and the Harbor of Refuge, both completed in 1910, Galilee eventually became the home port for much of Rhode Island's fishing industry. I paddled past the fishing trawlers, lobster boats and charter boats on the Galilee side before crossing over to the Jerusalem side. With low tide, I followed the boat channel on the west side back up the pond before crossing back to the cottage at Plato Island. I got some practice paddling in the wind.

View from Galilee to Jerusalem 

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