Thursday, July 18, 2024

Point Judith Pond Islands and Coves - July 17, 2024

Islands in Point Judith Pond
The sunrise was beautiful, so I decided to stay close to home and paddle around the islands and coves at the top of Point Judith Pond. Point Judith Pond has three large islands – Great Island, Harbor Island and Ram Island, and four smaller islands - Jonathan Island, Beach Island, Gardner Island and Plato Island. Ram Island is posted no trespassing. Great Island, Harbor Island, Jonathan Island and Plato Island have houses on them. Gardner Island or Beach Island are the best places to stop for lunch.

I crossed over at Plato and paddled the boat channel up the west side of the Point Judith Pond past the oyster farms to Billington Cove. Egrets and cormorants were everywhere, and the osprey were in their nest at the marina at Billington Cove.

The mooring yard

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