Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Bastille Day Campout - June 28-29, 2024

Home for the night
I was busy with work this spring, so I missed the spring camping trip with my usual camping buddies. Bill and I did try to get some interest going for a late spring trip on the Connecticut River, but everyone was busy. Rather than skipping camping completely, we decided on an old favorite – an overnight at the Burlingame Canoe Campsites on the Pawcatuck River.

Back in the old days, RICKA held an annual summer camping trip – the Bastille Day Campout. Bastille Day is a national holiday in France that celebrates the Storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789. Why Bastille Day was chosen as a theme for a RICKA camping trip has been lost to history. The connection to summer is obvious, and maybe it was a simple as that. 

Campfire Paella for dinner
The event was originally held on Dutch Island. When the DEM prohibited camping on Dutch Island in 1991, it moved to the Burlingame Canoe Campsites on the Pawcatuck. It was celebrated with an assortment of French and French-Canadian delicacies – mostly wine and beer. A Molson toast around the fire was always the highlight of an evening filled with good food and good friends.

Reviving this RICKA tradition seemed like a worthy challenge, so Bill and I posted a trip on the flatwater message board, and we ended up with a group of six. We met at the Bradford Landing at 2:00 to load up our boats and paddle up to the campsites. There was one small complication - a large group celebrating a bachelor party had already set up camp at the Burlingame sites. Rather than intrude or put up with the noise, we decided to check out the bootleg sites along the river.  

The Molson toast around the fire
Danny and Bill headed out first, and checked out a site not far from the put-in. It was nice, but a little closed in, so we decided to check out some of the sites further upstream. Aaron suggested a site on river right just past the Burlingame sites. It had plenty of room for boats, a nice fire pit for cooking, and a great view of the river - the decision was made.

We hauled our gear up from the river and set up camp. Once camp was up, Aaron went out for a paddle, and the rest of us took a break to enjoy a few cocktails. Before long it was time to light the fire and cook dinner - campfire paella. After dinner, Dan, Aaron and I took a moonlight paddle up to the Burdickville Dam. Then we settled in around the campfire for the night. After many tall-tales and war-stories we finally turned in at around 10:00. 

Dan cooks breakfast
Before I knew it, morning light was streaming through my tent. I got up around 6:00, started the fire and got the coffee perking. Dan was up shortly after, so we started on breakfast. I fired up my Dutch oven to make a batch of cinnamon rolls, and Dan fired up his 20” Big Daddy skillet to cook everything else - bacon, home fries and eggs. No one ever goes hungry on these trips.

After breakfast we packed up camp for the trip back to Bradford. The sky was cloudy, and we even got a few drops of rain. Once there, we packed up the cars and said our goodbyes after another great tip. We will definitely have to put the Bastille Day Campout on the RICKA calendar next year.

Packed up and ready to go

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