Sunday, July 25, 2021

Point Judith Pond with RICKA - July 24, 2021

Marina Park
I didn’t know when I put this trip on the RICKA calendar that it would coincided with the Annual Blessing of the Fleet in Galilee, which would mean lots of boat traffic.

Point Judith Pond, or the Great Salt Pond, is located along the border of Narragansett and South Kingstown, and is the second largest of the Rhode Island’s South County salt ponds. It is a shallow, four-mile long pond located behind the barrier beaches and sand dunes that form Point Judith. The pond is 20 miles around with many pretty islands and coves to explore.

Heading down the pond
The weather was beautiful with a slight wind from the north that shifted to the south later in the day. We had 5 boats with folks who had all done the trip before. We headed out into the Upper Pond from Marina Park, paddled through the Narrows and out into Congdon Cove. From there, we headed down to Gardner Island where we crossed the boat channel and headed over to Jonathan Island.

With a wind from the north we decided to paddle down the west side of Great Island into Galilee. We took a break for lunch at Little Comfort and waited to the boats to start coming through the Breachway. At noon we paddled a little ways down into Galilee being careful to stay out of the boat channel to wait for the boats.

Watching the ships come in
We watched a few boats come through before it started to get too crowded for my comfort. We decided to get on our way paddling under the Great Island Bridge and into Bluff Hill Cove. We continued up the east side of the Great Island Horseshoe Point. Michelle was out and was able to get some pictures of the crew.

From there we paddled up the east side of the pond along Harbor Island before returning to the put-in.

The crew at Horseshoe Point

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