Sunday, September 22, 2024

West River – Forth Swim of the Year – September 21, 2024

Paul portaging the dam
It’s been a long time since I’ve had my whitewater boat out, so I decided to join Paul for a run on the West River. Unfortunately, the shuttle wasn’t running, so we would need to carry down the dam to the put-in. We met at 7:00 at Mc’D’s for the ride up to Jamaica, VT. I followed Paul so we would have two cars for the shuttle.

The plan was to do two runs carrying down the dam with my canoe cart. As it worked out, we couldn’t use the cart for Paul’s boat, and it was a little tricky even with just my canoe. Once I got down to the bottom I also realized that I didn’t want to have the cart strapped to my boat for the run. If I swam, which I did, the boat would be even harder to rescue, and more likely to pin. I left it at the put in.

Tandem canoe running Initiation
I took some pictures of folks running the top of Initiation before we headed out. At this level – around 1,300 cfs – there was a shoot down the center that terminated in a hole, so you needed to cut to one side or another. Paul went left, I went right. Once you are through that first drop, it’s a long wave train to the bottom. I pulled over to empty when we got down to the bridge.

I filled up again in the rapid below the bridge, and had to pull over to empty. I filled up again in the rapid above boof rock. Unfortunately, before I pulled over to empty I got pushed left, just caught the edge of boof rock, and flipped – swim number 4 for the year. I took me a little while to swim out, but Paul was able to corral my boat.

Paul heading down on his second run
The run through the Dumplings was uneventful – stay close to the rocks, and then hug the seam to the left of the large standing waves. Of course, I had to empty my boat out again at the bottom. We took out after the bridge at Jamaica State Park.

I didn’t feel up for a second run on the upper section, but I did want to do the lower section. We ran the shuttle down to the take out for the lower section at the Route 100 Bridge, then headed back to the put-in at the Ball Mountain Dam. Paul did his second run, and I carried my cart back up the dam. I met him at the put in for the lower section.

Running the lower section
The lower section was a little more active than I remember – easier than the top, but still worth the effort. There was a huge line of cars at the take out – everyone had the same idea. We packed up, got changed and headed out.

We stopped for pizza on the way home at Brattleboro Village Pizza. From there I got on I-91, and Paul took the back roads home.

My Pictures
West River gage

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