Saturday, September 7, 2024

Launching and Landing - September 7, 2024

I had some repair work done on my sea kayak (skeg and bulkheads), so I decided to check it out at Lincoln Woods. I also decided that I would spend some time on launching and landings.

Being and open boater, I find one of the hardest parts of kayaking is getting in and out of the boat. I am OK launching and landing using the paddle as a brace, but that doesn’t work so well in surf. Mike tried to explain a surf launch at the RICKA Meeting on the Water,  but it didn’t work out so well.

I knew I needed to get better at a surf launches and landings, so I practiced today. Here is what I came up with for launching:
  • Pull the boat out into the water – it should be floating, but the stern can rest slightly on shore for support.
  • Straddle the boat, and drop into the seat - I found it easier if I didn’t settle all the way down in the seat.
  • Using the paddle as support, bring your first leg in – not the leg on your paddle side.
  • Continuing to use the paddle as support, bring your other leg into the boat and slip all the way into the seat.
I didn’t have the skirt on, so I’ll have to try it with the skirt next time. Landing is similar:
  • Paddle in to shore bow first – bow can rest slightly on shore for support.
  • Pull one leg up and out of the boat – I find it easier if I push myself slightly up and out of the seat.
  • Using that leg as support move the other leg to the center of the boat.
  • Holding onto the cockpit combing push yourself up to a standing position.

I paddled around Olney Pond stopping anywhere that I could to do a landing and a launch. I got pretty good at it by the time I got all the way around. I did cheat a little by have the bow and stern resting slightly on shore for support.

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